Monday, January 30, 2017

Meet the Planeteers #01 - Astro-Rangers

Things are heating up as Rayguns and Rocketships roars closer to our galaxy. I thought an introduction to the characters, technology and places you will encounter in the game was in order. First up, the intrepid Astro-Rangers!

The Astro-Rangers are heroic human Planeteers. While they attempt to keep peace in a war-torn galaxy, they are closer to the foreign legion than a police or military force. They were once allied with space hero “Rock” Novastar, but now that the empire of Mizra Khan has collapsed, they are trying to find their place in the galaxy. Their ranks consist of adventurers, star-jockeys, revolutionaries and scoundrels.

They operate out of several outpost moons around the galaxy - Ranger 2, 3 and 4. The Astro-Rangers are the fastest of the factions whether it is at the cockpit of their speedy rocketship or flying on their jetpack harness through the inky void of space.

All Astro-Rangers are armed with deadly neurolizer pistols and circuit-swords - AI-driven weapons that give their wielder a lethal advantage!

 Concept art by Scott Rogers

3D model by Simon Grell

Color guide by Scott Rogers

And what is any Planeteer without their rocketship? The Astro-Rangers speed around the galaxy in their rocketship. This torpedo-shaped beauty is much more nimble than it looks. Allowing for tight turns and bursts of speed - both backwards and forwards!
Concept art by Scott Rogers
 3D model by Simon Grell

Color guide by Scott Rogers

All of the Meet the Planeteers characters and rocketships seen here will come with the core set of the Rayguns and Rocketships board game.
Stay tuned for next time, when we meet the Astro-Rangers' daring Captain Novastar!

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